Justin Howes

Justin Howes

Speedo Elite Athlete - Justin Howes


What are some of your most memorable moments or achievements?

Some of my favourite memories from when I was a kid revolve around water. Whether diving into swimming, catching waves while surfing, gliding on water skis, or exploring under the sea with snorkelling, there's just this magic with swimming. In those moments, everything else fades away, and it's just me and the quiet. Being in the water is my go-to way to shake off stress and feel at ease. Those times, wrapped up in the embrace of water, are the moments that mean the world to me.

I jumped into the triathlon world, because I'm just as passionate about cycling and running as I am about swimming. The real cherry on top? Representing Western Province at the SA champs for both sprint and Olympic distance triathlons a few years ago. Despite a setback from a cycling accident last year, I persevered, regaining full health and redirecting my focus towards mastering open-water swimming.

What are some of your top tips?

Diving into open-water swimming is an adventure like no other! To help beginner swimmers navigate this new challenge with confidence and safety, I've compiled my top 5 tips:

1) Start with shorter swims in calm and familiar waters. It's a great way to slowly build your confidence and get comfortable without feeling overwhelmed.

2) Make sure you're seen with a brightly coloured swim cap and a safety buoy. These are not just for visibility; they're vital for your safety too.

3) Safety comes first, and it's more enjoyable to swim with a friend. Sharing the experience can double the fun and provide a sense of security.

4) Before you begin, take a few minutes to acclimate to the water's temperature. This gradual adjustment can help you avoid the shock of cold water and make your swim more pleasant.

Apart from swimming, what do you do for fun?

Competing in triathlons is more than a hobby for me; it's a passion. Mixing swimming, cycling, and running, each race is a new adventure and a test of my limits. Being a road runner at heart, I also absolutely love being in the mountains, and out on the trails. It's not just the physical challenge that draws me in; it's also the beauty of the outdoors and the camaraderie with fellow triathletes. Training, setting goals, and pushing myself further are parts of the fun. Race day brings a mix of nerves and excitement, but crossing the finish line is always a thrill. Triathlon isn't just about competition; it's about embracing a healthy, active lifestyle and enjoying every moment of the journey. It defines me, pushing me to explore, connect, and grow.

What is your favourite Speedo product and why?

I've been with team Speedo right from the start! For me, Speedo and water sports go hand in hand – it's like they're made for each other. I love swimming with my Speedo Power Paddles. This little tool is all about adding a bit of resistance to your swim, making your arms, shoulders, and back put in a bit more effort. It's a fun way to help you zip through the water faster, beef up some muscle strength, and polish up your stroke technique.